Saturday, June 19, 2010

Whoops, I did it again

Forgot to post all week, that's what.

This week I ran Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I need to get that Wednesday run it, but it's just been hard to fit it in with everything else going on. I also really want it for the extra miles.

Tuesday's run felt a little harder, but I also realized that I was going much faster than my normal. My legs just felt heavy during part of the run. Not sure if that is from not running since the Saturday before. I probably should be adding some sort of cross training in on Monday.

4.06 Miles
39:46 ~9:47 / mile

Thursday, we slowed down a bit and it felt more "normal." Wish I had more to add, but when we start at 5:45 AM, I'm usually lucky to have my eyes open.

4.08 Miles
41:38 ~10:12 / mile

Saturday, our plan called for 8 and we were doing the Bruegger to Bruegger course that I've heard Liz and a few others talk about. We started with a loop around the neighborhood behind Breugger's since the total loop is only 7 miles. Once we were done with that, we started out on our regular run. It was pretty hill which I expected, but you never realize how big some of those hills are when you're driving them.

I felt pretty good most of the way, but once we got to Hobbs and it was uphill, that took a lot out of me. I was fine for a while, but turning into the neighborhood and seeing more hills did me in. I walked up two of the big ones and ran again. I think sometimes you just have to and it's OK. Not what I want to do on race day, but I'm not going to beat myself up about a training run.

Time wise, I felt OK. Finished with under an 11 minute mile pace, so for 8 miles + heat + hills, I'll take it.

8.08 Miles
1:28:17 ~ 10:55 / mile

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