Saturday, May 29, 2010

Thursday and Saturday

I met the group on Thursday morning for a 3.5 mile run. We ran near the park and it was a nice little run. The shorter distances are almost harder because by the time you get in your groove, you're almost done. I will say that the Grease Alley hill doesn't get any easier, no matter how many times I run it.

Distance: 3.52 miles
Time: 37:04 ~ 10:31 / mile
Fuel: Pre run, a banana I think!

Saturday, we had our long run and I had 7 miles on my plan. We did the Latham greenway course which is a nice change of scenery. Used to run this a lot when I trained for my very first 10K so it always brings back memories.

Several of the Janes met up for drinks and Sex and the City 2 last night so some of us were a little more tired than usual. We were worried it was going to rain last night, but we started with a few clouds and the sun popped out by the end.

I felt good on this run, but I did slow up when we turned around. Maria and I were running a little faster on the start and we needed to slow down a little.

Distance: 7 miles
Time: 1:14:04 ~ 10:34/mile
Fuel: Pre-run oatmeal & 1/2 banana; during: Gu chomps

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday & Wednesday May 25-26

Well, I was going to run at 5:45 on Tuesday, but this crappy sinus infection was driving me crazy so I opted for sleep instead. I did walk 2 miles pushing the stroller later on that day. Pushing two heavy girls, I might add.

On Wednesday, my Zpack had kicked in so I met the group for the 5:45 AM Wednesday run. We did a little over 2.5 and that was good with me.

Distance: 2.70
Time: 29:37 ~ 10:58/mile
Fuel: banana

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday, May 22

We met today at 7:30 to do our first official run for the VB training program. I was scheduled for 6.5 as were several of us, so there was a nice group running together. The entire class was doing some portion of the same course so it was nice to have 15 or so people out there.

We had a prettty cool start and overcast skies, so that is always nice. We started off and got into a good groove at a good pace pretty early. About 2 miles in, I could tell that this I didn't feel as good as I usually do. My allergies started acting up yesterday and I could feel it today. My head hurt and just felt kind of phlegmy. Yuck.

I had to slow down a bit from my "pack" and even walked for a bit. As much as I didn't want to walk, I just felt like I had to. Liz did make this course extra hilly for us (hi Liz!), so I was struggling a bit after repeating those same hills for the 2nd time. But, I did it and I finished and it was OK. A little rain this afternoon and 2 advil seems to have helped the sinus pressure.

I had estimated my pace to be around 11:00 and I was a bit faster at around 10:40. I was surprised that even adding a little walk break didn't slow my time up dramatically.

Distance: 6.59 miles
Time: 01:10:23 ~10:40 / mile
Fuel: Pre run: oatmeal with 1/2 banana, 1/2 cup of coffee. During: 4 Gu chomps and water.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday, May 20

Met the group to run today this morning. Felt pretty good, but I did end up walking up the hill on Benjamin with another Jane. And I didn't mind.

Looking forward to our long run (6.5 miles) on Saturday. Why is that it's almost more enjoyable to do a long run than a short run?

Distance: 3.5 miles
Time: 36:14 ~ 10:21 / mile
Fuel: Pre run 1/2 banana

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday, May 18

Oh, it's been a long time since my last running confession, I mean post.

So our official VB training plans arrived via email yesterday, so today was the "first" official day of training. It's hard to believe that this is the start of a 16-week journey.

It had rained yesterday, but we lucked out with no rain this morning, but just a little bit cooler than we are used to. I only complained for about 5 minutes that I was cool in my long sleeve shirt.

Distance: 3.09 miles
Time: 32:52 ~10:38/mile
Fuel: 1/2 banana pre run