Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thursday, August 13

How is it that our training almost over!?!

We set out this morning fully expecting rain. Lucky (if you ask me), we had a cooler morning, but no rain. It was probably the coolest morning since our training started. We set off for 6 miles and there ended up being 5 of us that stayed together.

Luckily, we all remembered Gu and we decided to do a few hills, but take the more scenic route.

We were all pretty quiet the entire run, but it was nice to be out there and feel good.

Garmin must have been a little bit off, because we ended up going 6.55 instead of 6. Whooops. I hadn't checked our time, but everyone else was freaking out that they were going at a snail's pace based on their time. Luckily, it all worked out.

Nice run today ... still a bit nervous for Saturday's 12 miler. And I have to go out and celebrate a friend's birthday that evening. Not that it won't be fun, but I'll probably need to dress up, wear cute shoes, and try not to hobble around like an old lady!

DISTANCE / TIME: 6.55 miles / 1:12:19
FUEL: Whole wheat bread with peanut butter & banana, water. 1/2 pack of Gu Chomps during run.
ACHES & PAINS: Right hip. Did some stretching this morning and also this evening, but it feels like I have a big knot in my hip. Blisters are OK. They flare up a little in the mornings, but are generally under control.


  1. i still think it's hysterical that we "accidentally" did 6.55 miles (considering a few of us are, ahem, pretty rigid about our distances). no biggie though.. just adds to the bottom line, right?

  2. hope your cute shoes are ALSO comfy! :)
