Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thursday, July 9

I met the girls at 5:45 for our run.  My alarm woke me up at 5:12 so I quickly got dressed and ready and out of the house.  I did have time to scarf down a banana and piece of bread, but I just didn't feel quite awake when I got there or when we started.

We did the 4 mile route that we did on Tuesday and this run seemed much better than the other day.  I was a little worried about feeling some after effects of the hills repeats last night, but I didn't notice a change.  That will probably come tomorrow when I can't walk down the stairs without grimacing.

TIME / DISTANCE:  4.10 miles / 45:44
HOW I FELT:  This run felt pretty good ... we chatted the whole way and I never felt entirely out of breath which is always a good thing.

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