Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tues. July 28 & Wed. July 29

Whooops. I forgot to post yesterday.

We did five miles on Tuesday and I was running a bit late, so as soon as I pulled in the parking lot, off we went. It was dark. It's so surprising how much darker it's been lately. There had been some pretty bad storms the night before, so we were all a little paranoid about tripping over fallen branches, debris, etc.

I don't even really remember the run other than I was definitely missing that extra rest day since we had run on Sunday instead of Saturday.

DISTANCE / TIME: 5:18 miles / 58:22

Tonight, we met the Show & Go group and decided on 2 miles. It was raining when we did our warm up and we were a little worried that it may really start storming. Luckily, it held off, but it made for a steamy run. Yuck. We were all literally soaking wet when we finished. Nice. Two miles felt strange ... it's probably the shortest distance we've done in quite some time.

DISTANCE / TIME: 2:11 / 22:26

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